This is where my characters reside

World Info Directory

Here you will find world lore and various tidbits of information revolving around the multiple universes this story contains.

There is mature 18+ content with dark themes that are not suitable for certain individuals. Viewer disgression is advised.

World Lore Masterlist

What makes this universe and the worlds within it tick?

All the information, slang and lore for the main components of the story are found in here.

Ever wonder what Heaven or Hell's yearly calendar looks like? What exactly is going on with their clock system and how does it differ from Tera's time system?

What do certain words mean in the Hellspawn language? What is even IS Hell's hierarchy system? What is the difference between a Fae, a Nasgu'e, a Demon, or an Angel anyway? And how do their various cultures conflict with one another? How a the reicarnation process is decided, or what the hell does a 'Torture' demon/angel do to actually MAKE a demon/angel? Is it really just straight up torture, or have they simply been given a bad name by those that don't understand them? FIND OUT NOW! :D



Maps of Heaven, Hell, and various worlds of life that the story takes place in. All the location names and where they are located in relation to one another on the world (or universe) map as a whole. Also the country allegiances on each map are described here.

Story Universe Map (Basically a map of Purgatory and all the realms within it)

Tera World Map (Most the story takes place here)

Hell World Map (Another good chunk of the story takes place here)

Heaven World Map

Accord World Map

Faedom World Map (Pocket Realm A)

Stuff and Things

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the strongest of them all?

What objects contain the most power? What makes magic work? What kind of plants reside in what worlds?

Everything else that goes into the making of this world and the stories that take place within it.

Ranging from character height charts, hunter files for the city of Sekkra and all the information of the demons that reside within it's walls. The flora and fauna of each world or pocket realm in the story, as well as a connection chart of which characters have interacted with one another in some way, whether they met briefly or changed each other's lives forever, it's all in here!

- Tera: Hunter Files

- Who is the strongest?

- Magic System

- Objects of Power

- World Currencies

- Species Traits

- Height Charts

- Character Relationships

- Flora and Fauna

- Poisons, Medicines and Potions

- Tera: Story Timeline

- Accord: Story Timeline

- Hell: Story Timeline

- Heaven: Story Timeline

- Faedom: Story Timeline