Zerek and Phayne's first meeting
Characters: Demon Zerek and Phayne
Location: Phayne's castle in Hell
Context: The story follows an unfinished demon (half demon/half human): Zerek, who recently escaped the torture demon: Grieve (who was recently summoned to the human realm). Zerek is in Hell and is now wandering the landscape searching for freedom from the dangerous realm.
In their search for a portal that will bring them back to the Life Realm (Earth), Zerek and his demon friend Akyro enter a run down and abandoned castle within the Hell Realm, in hopes of finding shelter from a violent, acidic rainstorm that plagues outside.
After discovering the castle is enchanted (via endless, never ending hallways and doors to rooms that transport you to different hallways once closed and reopened), they realize they are not entirely alone... (welcomed by Crawlers: Zombie-like creatures that crawl on bloody stumps in various rooms of the castle).
It appears this castle has rooms full of junk, items and objects from all time era's and realities/universes. Most of which the two of them have absolutely no idea about, but are intrigued by the clutter none the less.
Unfortunately, Akyro and Zerek are separated and are now both stuck wandering the halls in search of one another- and a way out. This is where we see Zerek, exhausted and wandering a particularly destroyed section of a dark hallway, having just outrun an attacking Crawler and he now thinks he's safely alone... but the castle may not be as abandoned as he and Akyro previously thought.
Just how safe is he? Let's find out.
The hairs on the back of his neck prickle and he comes to a pause. His step hovering above the floor as he's pulled into an abrupt silence.
Uneasiness washes over him in waves but he finds nothing around him; deciding to continue on, he finishes his step down and braves his way forward into the dark hallway. Gripping the wall for support, Zerek brushes his fingers across the uneven surface of the old paneling as if it's a lifeline. Keeping him grounded in this magical place; however, a nagging inner voice knows these walls are just as cold and uncaring as the rest of this damp place. His feet barely make another inch before a new wave of terror washes over him as unyielding as the last.
Glancing around, searching for the source of this offending feeling, he watches as the dark walls, cast in their eerie quiet, tower around him. They loom around him in a size he was certain they hadn't been prior. A hungry creaking slides up the walls and above him, like a growling stomach greedy to consume its next meal; an ominous presence all of its own. Zerek reminds himself he's alone. As if that would make this bizarre place feel more friendly.
Or so he assumed; for at this moment there came a heavy shuffle of large clawed feet approaching from ahead. Their scrapes echoing down the damp stonework of the hall before him.
Zerek flinches at the sound of his own shaking breath, far too loud for comfort and he opts to hold his breath.
It's the shadow he sees first. Growing steadily against the wall to his right, just up ahead of him. The shadow slithers up the walls, taking shape of a shaggy and horned creature as it grew and grew.
Transfixed with a heavy dread, Zerek watches in silence as the dark shapes become clearer the longer his eyes linger; watching with bated breath as a large, hunched figure emerges from an old charred hole in the wall.
The figure trudges across his path, seemingly unaware of its onlooker. Its eyes fixated lazily towards the other side of the hallway wall, where another rubbled entrance stands agape.
Despite its tall height, the creature's limbs are thin, and draped over its shoulders is a black fur cape, fur sticking out in all different directions. It's body appears to be steaming with a heat Zerek can feel from his spot down the hallway. A heavy heat hangs in the air, like a humid, seering weight that makes it harder to breathe the more the seconds pass.
Long horns run down towards unkempt raven hair, with a hooked nose resting upon a putrid, and hideous face.
Its face being littered with pustules, boils and other unsightly greasy blemishes. It's enough to make skin crawl; and yet this was nothing compared to the spiked teeth that jet out of the creature's bottom jaw, far too long, yellowed and jagged to stay within a permanently open and drooling maw. It looks as if they were exploding out of his face and Zerek can't hold back a wince of disgust.
This 'man' wears a constant scowl, and honestly, Zerek can't blame him. He is painful to look at.
Besides the undead-like Crawlers that roam these secluded halls, this beast is the first other 'life' form that he's encountered since separating from Akyro. How long has it been? Time is of no consequence here...
A screech from back down the hallway echoes behind him, pulling Zerek from his stunned silence; and he whips his head around as if to hush the screaming creature and repair the silence.
The Crawler from earlier apparently has found its way out of a room, crawling down the hallway towards Zerek at an alarming speed. It's entrails being dragged behind at its twitching pace.
Zerek had merely stolen a glimpse at the offending sound; when he is harshly reminded to return his gaze back to the other side of the corridor. A cold sense of being watched begining to burn into the back of his neck.
Piercing yellow and black eyes bear their attention down Zerek's path with ferocity.
Zerek stifles a gasp.
As the eyes latch upon him with such a fierce hold, Zerek fears he can't move should he even try. Forcing a step backward, it all but feels painful for him, under such a gaze. A familiar feeling encases him, urging him into action. That of a helplessness he can't quite shake. Frantic and useless to fight. A desperate, clinging fear that he's only known while in his time with Grieve.
The two of them lock into a painful silence, for as long as the impending Crawler allows. An internal shivering overtakes him while the demon's eyes wander over him, studying Zerek with an angered annoyance; and yet, the creature's bright gaze reflects a dark curiosity. The moment leaves Zerek feeling filthy, as if having been physically caressed by the grotesque creature.
It is with but a blink, that the demon begins to charge towards him at inhuman speed. It's heavy footfalls scraping the floor as it moves.
Zerek turns around, not needing to be told twice and flees down the hallway, boldly taking the Crawler head on.
The closest door is within his reach, as it is too, for the Crawler. Zerek prays to a god he knows not exists, prays that he can reach the door before either of his pursuers catch up to him. Prays that the door leads him magically 'away', like so many of the others have.
The Crawler, eyes blood ridden with rage and madness, drags its bloody stumps rapidly towards Zerek with sickening, wet thuds. Its horrible shrieking peircing the air, creating a chorus of echoes down the hallway behind him.
Although the echoes quickly become muffled, indicating the creature is immediately behind him.
Zerek can only think of escape, lest his knees will buckle beneath him. The Crawler is nothing to him. He dares not look behind. He knows what looming shape be at his heels and can't bear a thought of its rancid breath against him.
Seconds before the creature collides with him, Zerek rams himself through the door, slamming it shut with such a force, he fears it will fly from its hinges.
A heavy thump rumbles the old door, and he holds it in place, his breathing ragged. The wood rattles violently against his hands and then comes to an abrupt and sudden stop.
The door does not swing open, or break down.
The Crawler's screech, and the thumping footsteps of the beastly demon have vanished. Too quickly, he finds himself hesitating to open the door, holding it for a moment longer, just in case...
Something doesn't sit right in his gut.
He's still on edge, the adrenaline pumping rapidly in his ears, despite the welcoming silence of the room.
Of course he's on edge! What the fucking Hell was that thing?
Having come across many demons in his travels through the death realm, not one of them has come close to what he's felt just now- in that creature's presence. Is it even a demon? What else can it be?
Zerek takes a deep breath and turns the knob, timidly opening the door. It taunts him with a snapping creak and he grits his teeth.
Quickly finding himself facing an entire wall of purple flames!
He's ready to slam the door shut again, but a moment's curiosity gets the better of him.
The flames seem to be well contained... as if by an invisible force. Magic?
He notices the silence, realising the flames wield no sound. There is heat, yes, and it's practically blinding, causing him to take a step back. The flames, however, do not jump or reach out to him.
It's not right.
Is it the same hallway on the other side of it? Has the room not spirited him to another area of the castle, like all the others before it?
Having learned to trust these feelings of unease, he wearily closes the door and steps back to examine the rest of the area.
Unsurprisingly, the mountain of random objects that greet him as he wanders into the new room is a welcome sight, and one he's come to expect. He fills his muscles loosen. He's okay.
As the beating of Zerek's pulse begins to slow down, the silence of the room is broken. Somewhere, in the vast and dusty room, a creaking of another door opens and closes with a sharp and sudden click.
His heart sinks as heavy heat fills the room once more.
It's in here with him.

Characters: My torture demon, Whorker and ChaosGrizzly's character, Scourge. Context: The thread prompt was to write a character healing or consoling another character that is in distress / wounded mental or physically. As Whorker is a backalley demon doctor in his world, he recieves a spiritual cry for help from a wounded soul in the woods somwhere...
Whorker was finely attuned to hearing cries, whether they were cries of agony, or cries for help, he could hear them all, no matter the distance. It could get quite loud sometimes, all those cries, but Whorker was made for it and often found himself relishing in the sounds.
It was one such cry that he pursued now. A mournful howl amidst the darkness of the woods. As he followed the sound, he couldn't help wonder why he was making a house call, it was out of his nature- but what was his nature, anyway? He used to know, but that was a different time... and a different place.
At last he stepped through some bushes, meeting a clearing, his red eyes fell on the source of the howls. A brutish, feral looking thing curled up in the center of the glade. It was beast like in appearance, but Whorker counted himself no different when it came to unusual features- he was used to demons of all kinds coming to him for aid, and yet he was the one venturing forward. He'd gone soft in his old age...
Standing over the creature, sobbing as it was, he bent his torso, his legs standing straight, glancing it over with a blank, pitiless expression.
"You don't seem wounded." He surveyed, not actually speaking to it, but more so for his own observations.
It should be noted, however, that the beast was in fact, quite covered in wounds, from head to toe; and yet Whorker could tell the difference from what was normal, and what was dire. This creature was no stranger to punishment, and therefore it's cries were not warranted in this regard.
No, this was a mental wound, and Whorker knew just what to do.
But first...
"Do you require my aid?" He asked, standing straight, towering over the distressed heap on the ground. It's mournful and rather angry sounding growls continued on without reply. Probably ignoring him in hopes he'd go away and leave him to his anguish, as was typical demon nature.
Whorker rolled his eyes and took that as a yes.
With the tips of three fingers of his hand, Whorker brushed them over the top of the 'demon's' tanned forehead, letting air escape his lips in a low 'woosh' sound- much like the wind breathing through the trees.
He then crouched down, looking into the bear's eyes as the enchantment calmed it's mind and eased it's sorrows. Making it forget, or otherwise allowing his mind to justify reason to ignore the pain, whatever it was. The enchantment doing its job at its finest.
Whorker smiled, for the first time since meeting this thing, though it was not a kind smile. He wasn't known for his bedside manners, after all.
"There. All better. See?" The creature looked at him, pissed off as it were, but perhaps there was gratitude behind its angered expression. It was about to speak, perhaps offer a thank you, or some aggressive response? Whorker spoke over him, not caring for these interactions.
"Now," he said abruptly, his eyes resting hungerly upon the demon's pearly teeth, "about my payment..."
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Whorker makes a house call
Mini written response for a Toyhou.se RP thread