This is where my characters reside

Zazoro's Domain

The sector of Hell that resides under Zazoro's control.

Full Directory

These links will lead you to each place's Main Directory under the Zazoro's Domain tab. Or you can click the respective folder's listed below to go down the rabbit hole of locations this domain has to offer. It's your choice!

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Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location

Zazoro's Castle

The Castle:

Gaudy and pointed. purple and blue and icy cold. so cold it burns.

Inside the castle there is a room Leading to a pocket realm:

This Pocket Realm is covered in magical red runes against a pure white backdrop.

It is a birdcage that sits empty, awaiting the one thing Zazoro has always desired: A Torture Demon. The Fire King is ready for when he gets his hands on one....


Base Mountain City

A glamorous and ash covered city rests at the base of Zazoro's Castle's mountain. Zazoro is very picky with who works for him, especially who gets to work for him so close to his castle. Everyone here is beautiful, and if a flaw is found, they are cast out or simply destroyed. The city looks beautiful.


Fatkat's city

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